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Privacy Policy

Notice and Privacy Statement for Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC

All banking and insurance organizations are required by Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to have procedures in place to safeguard the privacy of your personal information. Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC  will annually give consumers a copy of our privacy statement in accordance with these regulations.

Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC is dedicated to giving its clients the best possible service and assistance. We take seriously our responsibility to protect the privacy of our customers. The highest priority at Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC will always be your privacy.

Source and Origin of Personal Information:

We obtain nonpublic personal data about you from:

  • Applications, paperwork, or forms that you fill out.
  • Applications or forms that you authorize others to complete on your behalf (such as doctors who may provide medical information for health, disability, or life insurance)
  • Consumer reporting agencies; medical and health care providers; motor vehicle administration offices; or governmental agencies (such as medical record bureaus that report information for life insurance)
  • Information about your transactions with us, affiliates, and information we collect from third parties.

Type of Information We Collect:

We only utilize the nonpublic personal information we have collected for business needs, such as assessing your insurance application, handling insurance claims, providing services you have requested, and processing transactions. Except as permitted by law, we never divulge any nonpublic personal information about our clients or previous clients to anyone. This might comprise:


  • Name, address, phone number, social security number, birthdate, and other personally identifiable information.
  • Financial data that falls under the Fair Credit Reporting Act’s purview, such as the kinds of insurance carried, the premiums paid, the credit history, the income, and the assets (e.g., for financial planning purposes)
  • Information about your health, including your medical history, present condition, and general risk factors for insurance underwriting (e.g., for life and disability insurance).
  • Information on driving, including traffic infractions, accidents, and insurance claims.

Information Security

Other than the parties mentioned above, we do not divulge nonpublic information to:

  • We never divulge your information to other parties.
  • We only allow workers who need access to nonpublic personal information about you to do so in order to offer the service and assistance required to manage your account.
  • We maintain regulatory-compliant physical and procedural precautions to protect your nonpublic personal information.
  • All e-mail sent out that contains personally identifiable information is encrypted.
  • Our employees are expected to abide by Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC privacy and confidentiality guidelines.

Reservation of the Right to Disclose Information under Unforeseen Circumstances:

Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC reserves the right to sell or transfer your information (such as your address, name, age, sex, zip code, state of residence, and other information you provide through other communications) in connection with the potential sale or transfer of its interests to a third-party entity that: (1) concentrates its business in a similar practice or service; (2) agrees to be Woodstock Car Insurance, LLC successor in interest specific to data collected; and (3) agrees to the obligations of this privacy statement.